Columbia Kermit
000107_news@newsmaster….columbia.edu _Tue Oct 6 21:02:32 1998.msg
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From: jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
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Date: 6 Oct 98 16:12:13 MDT
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In article <361a73fa.0@news.pacifier.com>, mikef@pacifier.com (Mike Freeman) writes:
> I'm using the latest Alpha of Ms-KERMIT V3.16 (I believe it's Alpha.05).
> As I use a speech synthesizer/screen-reader software to read the screen, I
> set things to keep the verbage to a minimum. Among other things, this
> means "SET MODE-LINE OFF".
> My problem: If one does a "SET TERMINAL TYPE ANSI", then "CONNECT",
> whatever one is going to do, then escapes back to the MS-KERMIT prompt,
> sets the terminal-type to anything else such as "SET TERMINAL TYPE VT320",
> then does another "CONNECT", my MODE_LINE setting is forgotten, i.e., the
> little blurb about which keystrokes do what is displayed even though I
> have done a "SET MODE-LINE OFF" in my initialization. To me, this is more
> than a feature; it's a bug. :-) :-) Obviously, now that I've figured out
> what the problem is, I can go back in and reset MODE_LINE but it would be
> nice if I didn't have to.
It's not so much a bug, annoying as it may be, as it is a
consequence of forcing off the mode line when ANSI terminal type is selected.
Changing to another terminal type puts the mode line back to default ON
condition. It is a question of not wanting too many layers of rememberence,
and far too many if (terminal_type == ansi) {...}; special cases all over
in the code.
I suggest an easy workaround to reduce typing. Define a macro which
sets the terminal kind and mode line, and another for each different kind
of terminal and operating condition. I use this extensively here when
talking to different machines, particularly between Unix flavor (where
the BackSpace key sends BS) and VMS etc flavors (where it sends DEL).
Then just state the name of the macro at the Kermit prompt to have its
contents read as Kermit commands.
Test example:
def fooup echo this is macro fooup, echo another line, echo last line
def foodown echo this is macro foodown, echo line two, echo last line
or def ansi set term ansi
def vt320 set term vt320, set mode-line off
and so on.
I hope this helps.
Joe D.